Quick Intro

Hey Guys! I'm Jonny, your average makeup addicted 15 year old student.
This is My Blog,

Beauty, At What Benefits?


Wednesday 22 October 2014

Makeup uses... and Why?

Hey Humanity!

So this post is a follow on post from my first post, Where did Makeup Originate?

Remember when I said that in Japan, Geisha used safflower seeds to make lipstick, tinted eyebrow gel and eyeliner? And that in India, women used to use Kohl on their eyes as eyeliner? Well, it's time to find out why.

Men tend to find women most attractive when women are going through ovulation, or when they are most fertile. When women are most fertile, their cheeks blush up and their lips get redder. This is due to extra blood flowing into those areas. Geisha copped onto this and started to wear pink and red lipstick to make their lips look like there had been excess blood flow into them, thus making them look more fertile, in turn making the men more attracted to them. They also decided to use some of the dyes on their cheeks, for the same reason.

In Europe, when people painted their faces white, it also covered skin imperfections, wrinkles and discolouration, which makes people look older. Society today has created this false image that Age equals Ugliness, and once the entire white facepaint trend vanished, people realised that and started to create skin coloured facepaint, or as it is known as today, Foundation and Concealer.

Model: Cara Delevingne
credit: fanpop.com
Back in Japan with Geisha, they discovered that hair loss is a sign of aging, and by using the safflower dyes to create tinted eyebrow gel, they used this as an illusion to create fuller brows, which looks like there is no hair loss, which in turn creates the illusion of youth. Unfortunately, nobody nowadays is blessed in the eyebrow department... well, except for Cara Delevingne, but she's Cara!

Last but certainly not least: Contouring and Highlighting.
The purpose of contouring is to try and diminish things that you don't want seen, or to create a shadow to emphasise something that you do want seen, which is coupled with highlighting. Nobody really knows where contouring and highlighting came from, or when it started, yet it is one of the major makeup things that the majority of people will not leave the house without it being done. As you can see with the photo of Cara, her cheekbones look SUPER defined and amazing, and this was done with the aid of contouring and highlighting. Lex of MadeYewLook (a youtuber) posted a video all about how to highlight and contour, which you can view below. Bear with me, it is quite long, but if you want to learn how to contour and highlight effectively, I suggest spending fifteen minutes watching this video.

So that's all I can talk about today, hope you enjoyed! Catch you all later!
Jonny :)

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